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Pastor Dennis Komis

A pastor could not ask for a more faithful deacon/ church member than Brother Don Caudle.

I will always remember the times of going out on visitation with Don, who at times would be the only church member to show up. It seemed that wherever we were Don knew everyone, and everyone liked Don. We were convinced that were Don to ever run for mayor of Decatur he'd win by a landslide!

His involvement and assistance on any and all church activities, his friendly encouragement, his simple and genuine prayers, his generous support, his cheerful countenance (we will never forget that hearty laugh and happy whistling of his!) - all were used of the Lord to bless and encourage a young pastor and his family. I know behind it all was a heart that loved his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that loved others. As the Lord now graces His faithful servant with rest and reward in heaven, may He multiply his number among the Church. Thank you, Jesus, for giving us Don Caudle! 

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